Letter to the Diplomatic one

Dear diplomat
I am jealous of you. You seem to know just the right thing to do at any situation. Your head never hurts as to how it’s just so natural for you to agree with both the parties and yet not be bothered about not having a stand of your own. How people pleasing and tact comes so natural to you! I am jealous of you!
I envy how you flawlessly refuse to choose sides and find comfort in it. How the entire world is burning and yet you aren’t even slightly bothered. I envy how you never feel the pressure of having a fair say on any issue, and yet without much effort you would easily influence others and keep those people in your palm of the hand. I wonder how free that brain of yours would be, because you don’t have to empathize with the pain of the peddlers and daily wagers during these harsh times of the pandemic, or that how it never bothers you that your servant who is a Muslim from Bangladesh could be homeless after the implementation of CAA and NRC. I wonder how it feels  not to be reminded in the darkest of nights that – all that is remembered by some lady in Daulatia, Bangladesh is that one day she was picked up by someone and sold away only to be working in a brothel. I wish I could be that self possessed because, honestly, you do make sense sometimes. Who are they to me? Moreover, ignorance is bliss. But this mind seems unimaginable to me and so, I am jealous.
But you know, what I feel more than jealousy is pity.
In the book 1984 (by George Orwell), when Newspeak was introduced in Oceania, Syne says, “Don’t you see that the whole aim of Newspeak is to narrow the range of thought? In the end we shall make thought-crime literally impossible, because there will be no words in which to express it. Every concept that can ever be needed will be expressed by exactly one word, with its meaning rigidly defined and all its subsidiary meanings rubbed out and forgotten. Already, in the Eleventh edition, we’re not far from that point. But the process will still be continuing long after you and I are dead. Every year fewer and fewer words, and the range of consciousness always a little smaller. Even now, of course, there is no reason or excuse for committing thought crime. It’s merely a question of self-discipline, reality control. But in the end there won’t be any need even for that. The revolution will be complete then the language is perfect. Newspeak is Ingsoc and Ingsoc in Newspeak.
So maybe this ignorance isn’t a skill after all. It’s just the lack of knowledge. It’s the lack of awareness, a blotch in the environment you grew up. This recklessness which you portray with such nonchalant ease is actually just the umbrella that rescued you from the pouring reality all your life. Thus you grew up to into a cool as a cucumber people pleaser who can talk to everyone effortlessly, fool them into thinking that you actually do believe in equality when all equality means to you is not taking a side at all and the sad reality is that you do not know what empathy means. So being unconcerned isn’t inbuilt, it is what you are socially conditioned to. If it was never taught to you, it will always seem unimaginable. Therefore, you have my sympathy because you wouldn’t know how it feels to fight for the right and to be a rebel for a cause.
I am angry at you because you act as a barrier, adding on to the stagnation of progress. This ignorance isn’t all bliss after all, it’s rather destructive. I am angry because you won’t ever realize how your helping hand can uplift hundreds of unprivileged, but this thought is too heavy to get into your brain. I am agonized how proudly you accept that you or your family never involves in voting because that too political. I am enraged by the incognizance you have towards your foolishness.
I am scared for you because you will always be heedless to your power. The strength that lies in every word that comes out with your rage can turn into a revolution for the right. I am scared because you will die without ever knowing this. I am even more scared that maybe this rage doesn’t exist at all.You hold the power to influence people because they end up envying the peace of mind you possess.
So maybe along with worrying for the underprivileged and the helpless, we need to start worrying for you too. Your pseudo-intellectualism has been identified to be the act you put up. So although I might be jealous of your diplomacy, maybe that’s what I’d choose not to be.
Get well soon
Yours lovingly


  1. Terrific write-up. The choice of words .... exemplary! And to quote Orwell, at this time is commendable. Dystopian novels have become soothsayers.

  2. I think the contrary is true. The Indian Civil Service has been the silent backbone that's keeping India still alive. Your IAS' & IPS' are the only people who are making any productive decisions at the moment. There have been a few leakages, perhaps foreseen but not solvable at the moment.

    Don't underestimate the civil services. While the politicians have thrown up their hands and have no clue on execution or strategy, no matter how sympathetic they are to the people. It's the civil services who are holding up the technicalities. Such as Supply Chains, protocols, rule of law. so on so forth.

    The issue of migrant workers are beyond the reach of anyone. These are fundamental problems in the Indian life, which are only beginning to surface out in times of adversities. HOUSING is and shall remain a problem as long as incremental changes and emplasis isn't laid on it. I can't be done overnight, it takes generations. Take the Singapore model for inspiration.

    It needs legislative changes on land pooling, Urban planning and most importantly political will and years into implementation.

    The Diplomats are the brightest minds of the country, they have the least incentive to be corrupt since they could very well make several times the money should they transfer to the private sector. They uphold the institutional framework of India whilst pampering the politicians whims and fancies. For that they deserve our respect. I feel the animosity is wrongly directed, despite all their briliance they fall prey to the political blame dump. For instance, in the Wadhawan case the NCP put all the blame on the principal secretary, washing their hands off !

    Anyways in times of need it's the deplomats who run the show and are the only ones capable.

    Since you quote Gorge Orwell. Let me end my comment too on an artistic note by quoting Christopher Nolan. (Modified)

    " Thet are the heros India needs but not deserves, so we'll put our trust in them. Because they can take it, because they're not heros. They are the silent guardians, watchful protectors."

    1. Thank you so much for the feedback! But I think you misinterpreted the piece. It is not written for the Bureaucrats but for the second meaning of the word 'diplomat' which is a tactful person, i.e. a person who exhibits diplomatic behaviour. So maybe this pseudo-intellectualism that you portrayed would have been a bit more believable if you had at least tried to find the meaning of the words used in the article. Also, comparing Orwell and Nolan seemed rather shallow but I'm gonna respect it anyway. Please continue reading my blog for support.

    2. You say "diplomats are the brightest minds of our country" I don't exactly agree, but i do assure you, you sir, sure aren't the brightest mind of our country. In my defence your mind apparently can't apprehend the meaning of the word "diplomacy".

    3. Okay, Shweta.The hostility was uncalled for. I was expressing my view on how the civil services isn't being appreciated enough as they serve the people during these tough times, rather criticised and targeted.

      Civil servants, appointed by the government to represent and serve the people are called Diplomats. In a global sense, democracy's send their Principal Secretary's of Foreign Services to the UN, to represent their country. Taken in the urban slang, comes as an after thought. Regardless, The civil services are the brightest minds of our country, and they are coming under attack a lot. You'd know, if you read the news not just the flash news.

      In Maharastra, the Principal Secretary ( Senior IAS ) has been blamed for what was a consequence of political corruption.
      In West Bengal, the civil services are having to fight against the government's non-corporation with the Centre; to work out the lockdown.
      In Andra Pradesh, a GO was passed by the CM to transfer serval 100's in the Service ( IASs and IPSs )
      ... So given the context of current state of issues, excuse this "dumb mind" if I took this article as an attack on the diplomats ( official use ).

      To understand how the lockdown is being executed, I believe it would make sense for the media to question the bureaucrats about the game plan, than to repeatedly expect the politicians to comprehend it. Some media do and that's where people should pay attention.

      Kerala, for that matter has had a very well executed and organised plan. If you're looking for a solution look it up, follow the news from Kerala. Learn about it's demographic. Kerala too has a lot of immigrant workers but though correct policy making , make-shift arrangement and effective communication they have been able to subdue the agitation in the public.

      Before you judge me yet again, Shweta. No, I'm not a Keralite, I'm from Hyderabad ... Err... the one in Telangana not the one in Pakistan ( to make it officially clear )

      Great writeup, BTW. Good use of words. Only request I make, is that you tone down the criticism and support your valid criticism with possible solutions too. These are critical times, pointing fingers does more harm than good.

      Where a good and effective system is set in place because of years of effort by the government; you have gotten to see positive results, where people are less agitated. Ala, South Korea & Singapore. But there too, COVID hasn't spare the lower rug. Immigrant workers in Singapore have been given dormitories to stay in because they have the HDB ( housing development board ) which is very effective, considered the world's best. There too, only today ... ~900 cases of positive cases have been detected in clusters ( via community spread ). We are facing an evil force that is able to out smart event the finest solution humanity has to offer.

      In India, we live in high densities and unplanned. The possibility of spread is very high. Should people in the metro and cities ( which is where the virus mostly is, currently ) travel back to their rural homes and spread there too. Just imagine the chaos that would create !! There is no way out, regardless of their prolonged suffering due to the CAA and extended unemployment ... they will have to suffer the heat. I say this with a heavy heart.

    4. For Shweta's sake , allow me to state my credibility. I'm pursuing a Masters in Developmental Economics. I know how the macro economics and the supply chain disruption has effected the world. In behavioural economics, there is a concept on recessions and how people follow a heard mentality. "Hoarding" by the well to do, in this context is synonymous to stock panick sales which happens during normal recessions, due to financial fear. Right now it's the fear of being left out, fear of missing out to buy these products.

      However, Hoarding chokes the supply chains tremendously ! As markets work, the supply chains first work at satisfying the demands of the people who hoard as their WTP ( willingness to pay ) is the very high in comparison to the nominal fee the gov is willing to give in return to providing for the poor.

      This is wrong given the situation, yes. But everything is not black or white. The markets take much longer to adapt, even longer that people's personalities. India has in comparison faired well, given our size, population, lack of accurate logistics and the extended lockdown ( largest in the world ! ).

      Also, I have been considering giving the UPSC for getting into the civil services. Since, I didn't understand the cliche use of diplomat, it makes no sense to event consider it anymore. we the dumb minds .... kidding, I'm cool. Please have control over your aggression

    5. Not Shweta, but i, Puja wrote the post! Thanks again for the support and feedback; and best wishes for your future endeavours


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